
Association Member

Association membership is available to multiple disciplines across the Professional Beauty Industry for beauty professionals with formal qualifications and certifications.


Affiliate Member

We also accept membership from any individual that is engaged within the Professional Beauty Industry that supports the aims and objectives of the Association, as a non-practicing member. 


Clinic Staff Member

If you work in a clinic and your employer is a Full Association Member, you can join using the Clinic Membership option for $60 (incl GST).  This option gives you the same benefits as a Full Association Member, including a quarterly subscription of the BeautyNZ E-Magazine.  

Clinic owners, if all your employees become members, you can register to become a 100% fully registered clinic and receive a 100% Registered Clinic digital decal and digital logo to display in your clinic and on your website.



Distributor Member

A Distributor Member of the Association is any company that supplies professional products to the Professional Beauty Industry.


School Member

Connect with our members, and expose your students to the Association to ensure they continually follow best practice.  Being a member of the Association will open your students up to the networking and mentoring opportunities available through events, and area representative functions.

As a school member, you can advertise for free on the Association website, and use the front-page calendar for important events.  


Tutor / Trainer Member

A Tutor / Trainer member of the Association is any trainer/ tutor/ lecturer who is employed by one of our registered School members.


Student Member

Join us to keep in touch with what’s happening in the industry through regular newsletters and the BeautyNZ Magazine.  Network with inspiring industry leaders, and local members and have the opportunity to enter the biennial BeautyNZ Association Awards.